owncloud vs pydio – more diy cloud storage

Last week I wrote a how-to on using Pydio as a front-end to a MooseFS distributed data storage cluster. The big complaint I had while writing that was that I wanted to use ownCloud, but it doesn’t Just Work™ on {{CentOS}} 6*. After finishing the tutorial, I decided to do some more digging – because …
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create your own clustered cloud storage system with moosefs and pydio

This started-off as a how-to on installing ownCloud. But their own installation procedures don’t work for the 8.0x release and {{CentOS}} 6. Most of you know I’ve been interested in distributed / cloud storage for quite some time. And that I find MooseFS to be fascinating. As of 2.0, MooseFS comes in two flavors – the …
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automatically extract email attachments with common linux tools

I had need to automatically process emails to a specific address to pull attachments out, and this is how I did it: $ yum install mpack $ cat extract-attach.sh #!/bin/bash rm -rf ~/attachtmp mkdir ~/attachtmp mv ~/Maildir/new/* ~/attachtmp cd ~ munpack ~/attachtmp/* rm -rf ~/attachtmp $ crontab -l */5 * * * * ~/extract-attach.sh Why, …
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setting up an unreal irc server on centos 6

Ever want to run an IRC server? I recently set one up at irc.datente.com using a Digital Ocean VM running CentOS 6.5 x64. Here’s what I did, if you want to replicate the process for yourself (full documentation available from Unreal’s website): acquire CentOS 6.5 x64 server (as I mentioned, I used Digital Ocean) `yum …
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posting from google+ to other services with ifttt

I’ve been using If This Then That (best part? it’s free!) for several months, and wanted to share a simple way to post updates from Google+ (or any RSS feed, but I digress) to your other social media services. Currently I only use Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook – though I am sure this basic process …
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