automatically extract email attachments with common linux tools

I had need to automatically process emails to a specific address to pull attachments out, and this is how I did it:

$ yum install mpack

$ cat 
rm -rf ~/attachtmp
mkdir ~/attachtmp
mv ~/Maildir/new/* ~/attachtmp
cd ~
munpack ~/attachtmp/*
rm -rf ~/attachtmp

$ crontab -l
*/5 * * * *	~/

Why, you may ask? Because I get a report a few times per day to the email address in question.

Note – this runs in my crontab every 5 minutes on a CentOS 6 x64 server; I’m sure the process is similar/identical on other distros, but I haven’t personally tried.

3 thoughts on “automatically extract email attachments with common linux tools

  1. Thanks for this. I’m attempting to use it in conjunction with an automated upload to FTP for reports. This makes it a whole lot easier.

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