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It’s kind of a hard thing to explain, but I think if God is real, and if He really is the first cause, and He really is unlimited in every way, then even if someone says or does mocking things about Him, He still hasn’t actually been mocked. Because He cannot be mocked. — Matt …
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I will be talking with @megbasham this Monday at 8pm CST about her new book “Shepherds for Sale.” Hope you can join us. https://t.co/RZpWVysl0l — Tom Buck (Five Point Buck) (@TomBuck) Jul 27, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TomBuck via IFTTT

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The Park Fire is devastating, all because of one criminaI. Gotta love California. https://t.co/Sp3DEgM5rQ — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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Liberals should definitely try Abrain 🤣 https://t.co/HLKFK5Tb9L — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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I don’t trust the FBI. https://t.co/fv8LxUb46R https://t.co/R8f1o1jVvi — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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2. House voted in favor of a resolution condemning ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris for the open border. https://t.co/0weRtj8mEU — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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8. Navy SEALs who refused the COVID-19 vaccine settle lawsuıt, have their records cleared. https://t.co/5dnRQVCdbz — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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9. Arkansas Senator introduced legislation to deport any noncitizen who breaks the law at a protest. https://t.co/uG0lV5Xclv — TaraBull (@TaraBull808) Jul 26, 2024 from http://twitter.com/TaraBull808 via IFTTT

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Proving once again the MSM doesn’t understand (or cares to) what definitions mean. https://t.co/UUME54bqiP — RΣҒΩRMΣD💨CIGΔRS (@ReformedCigars) Jul 25, 2024 from http://twitter.com/ReformedCigars via IFTTT

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A man without a gang of faithful brothers-in-arms is at a significant disadvantage in: Sanctification: Iron sharpens iron. Warfare: A lone soldier easily falls. Building: Lone builders make long work. Guarding: Protecting what’s built. Find your gang. Be a brother. https://t.co/3uzFYXKIWE — Brian Sauvé (@Brian_Sauve) Jul 24, 2024 from http://twitter.com/Brian_Sauve via IFTTT

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Here’s a map you won’t see often. U.S. “all-time” record high maximum temperatures by state. 38/50 states (76%) recorded their high temperature records before 1955. 43 states measured theirs in or before 1985. Think this summer has been hot? It has been hotter before. https://t.co/yr68kPpiNJ — Chris Martz (@ChrisMartzWX) Jul 22, 2024 from http://twitter.com/ChrisMartzWX via …
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The US produces mostly fossil fuel energy (84%) Solar and wind make up just 2.2% of all energy (not just electricity) Over the past decade, solar and wind increased total energy production by 2.1% Fossil fuels increased energy production by 27.9% https://t.co/NZ8nkJfmLK https://t.co/gflkarnvqb — Bjorn Lomborg (@BjornLomborg) Jul 15, 2024 from http://twitter.com/BjornLomborg via IFTTT

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Even though India now burns more coal than Europe and the U.S. combined, there is really only one coal consumer — China. https://t.co/KoZ1E2I2iv — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 16, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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Climate campaigners and profiteers have figured out how to make wind turbines more destructive of the marine environment. https://t.co/Eiu7kiCtid — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 17, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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The beautiful people don’t like having illegal aliens released on Martha’s Vineyard, how will they enjoy fiberglass from shattered wind turbines on Nantucket? https://t.co/oPm8byW4JR — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 18, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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Saying the Biden administration’s “pause” in approving new natural gas terminals “is completely without reason or logic and is perhaps the epiphany of ideocracy,” Judge James D. Cain ordered the policy to be “stayed in its entirety, effective immediately.” https://t.co/aV447KdwfZ — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 19, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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On the 55th anniversary of the moon landing Americans are flying back to space on reusable rockets. Freedom works! https://t.co/iZ0tWAZtex — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 20, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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Tune into Fox Business @Varneyco at 11:45 a.m. Our own Marc Morano will be on to discuss heatwaves and problems with the claim that Sunday was the “hottest day ever recorded on Earth.” https://t.co/G0pq3zu9tW — CFACT (@CFACT) Jul 24, 2024 from http://twitter.com/CFACT via IFTTT

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Husband, love your wife as Christ loves the church, giving Himself up for her. Wife, submit to your husband as the church submits to Christ. Treat your marriage as if divorce is not an option. Because Christ will never consider divorce from His church an option. — Gabriel Hughes (@Pastor_Gabe) Jul 24, 2024 from http://twitter.com/Pastor_Gabe …
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lol Kamala’s approval rating is lower than Joe Bidens https://t.co/VWokEtJG87 — Tim Pool (@Timcast) Jul 24, 2024 from http://twitter.com/Timcast via IFTTT

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Have a look at the official trailer for COP15 (2009, Copenhagen) for a classic example of climate fear mongering https://t.co/upMSOBZZyd — The Honest Broker (@RogerPielkeJr) Jul 24, 2024 from http://twitter.com/RogerPielkeJr via IFTTT