everything with a webui should publish rss

{{RSS}} is far from dead – it’s ubiquitous. What astonishes me, though, is that not all applications that have a WebUI don’t publish feeds via RSS (or {{Atom}} – same difference). OpenNMS and Nagios (via a plugin) will push alerts via RSS – which is fantastic: there’s no reason everyone shouldn’t be able to filter …
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restful webservices

My friend Steven recently wrote about linguistics in webservices. In it he postulates that since all “good code” should resemble speech, webservices should use linguistically-tied approaches to their APIs. In short, it’s an article on RESTful websites being used in a linguistically-understandable way. For example: http://searchengine.com/search/keyword1/keyword2/not:keyword3 should run your query against the search engine, so …
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