how did i never know about .ssh/config?

I’m sure folks have tried to explain this to me before, but it wasn’t until today that it finally clicked – using .ssh/config will save you a world of hurt when managing various systems from a {{Linux}} host (I imagine it works on other platforms, too – but I’ve only started using it on {{CentOS}}). …
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improve your entropy pool in linux

A few years ago, I ran into a known issue with one of the products I use that manifests when the {{Red Hat Linux}} server it’s running on has a low entropy pool. And, as highlighted in that question, the steps I found 5 years ago didn’t work for me (turns out modifying the t …
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can you disable encryption on a windows server?

This was asked recently on Server Fault. I’m asking if there’s a way to prevent files from being encrypted. I’m referring to some extent to ransomware, but specifically I want the following scenario: Windows File server w/ shares (on the E: drive) I want a way to tell the above server “don’t allow files on …
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on-demand, secure, distributed storage

In follow-up to a friend’s blog post on TrueCrypt, and in conjunction with some previous investigation and interests I have had, I am wondering how difficult it would be to run a tool like MooseFS in conjunction with TrueCrypt to provide a Wuala-like service as a plausibly-deniable data haven a la {{Cryptonomicon}}.

establishing a data haven cloud

In {{Neal Stephenson}}’s seminal book, {{Cryptonomicon}}, he describes the creation of a “data haven” in the fictional Sultanate of Kinakuta. Why has no-one started building such a service (or, at least not in a public way) on existing cloud services (eg {{AWS}} or Rackspace) and/or create their own global network? Data backup and replication is not …
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