don’t use symlinks unless you *know* you can

I first ran into this on Solaris in the context of [then] Opsware SAS (then HP SA, now owned by Microfocus). Bind mounts might be OK … so unless the tarball has symlinks included, don’t use them – they get traversed differently than “real” directories.

In short, when directory traversals are done, sometimes it looks at the permissions bits and if the first character is not a d (for a symlink, it’s always an l), many processes can fail.

Symlinking files is [possibly] a different story: though permissions are usually wonky on symlinks (most often lrwxrwxrwx vs -rw-r--r--, for example), since you cannot traverse into a file (whereas you can into a directory), it’s generally ok

Also – sometimes when directory listings are pulled, the symlink is fully-dereferenced, and something that appears to be in, say, $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/deployment_apps but is really in, say, /some/other/place, there are some times when {{Splunk}} will decide not to deploy it, because it’s not where it “belongs”.

Also – checksums can be computed on the symlink and not the actual file, in some (perhaps all) instances: so if, for example, you have the same outputs.conf in several apps by way of symlink, and you change it in one, the checksum for all the others may (and typically do) not get updated … so you can be left in an inconsistent state for your configs (because not all locations that should’ve received the updated outputs.conf have received it, since they’re symlinks and not a real file, and the checksum may not update on those particular apps).

Moral of the story?

Unless you really know what you’re doing, never use symlinks with {{Splunk}}.