35 great questions, part 3

Part 3 of 5 in my condensed reprint of Inc’s article, “35 Great Questions” from the April 2014 issue. (part 1, part 2)

  1. Are we changing as fast as the world around us? –{{Gary Hamel}}
  2. If no one would ever find out about my accomplishments, how would I lead differently? –{{Adam Grant}}
  3. Which customers can’t participate in our market because they lack skills, wealth, or convenient access to existing solutions? –{{Clayton Christensen}}
  4. Who uses our product in ways we never expected? –{{Kevin P Coyne}} & {{Shawn T Coyne}}
  5. How likely is it that a customer would recommend our company to a friend or colleague? –{{Andrew Taylor}}
  6. Is this an issue for analysis or intuition? –{{Tom Davenport}}
  7. Who, on the executive team or the board, has spoken to a customer recently? –{{James Champy}}