chelsea troy – designing a course

Via the rands-leadership Slack (in the #i-wrote-something channel), I found an article written on that was [the last?] in her series on course design.

While I found part 9 interesting, I was bummed there were no internal links to the other parts of the series (at least to previous parts (even if there may be future parts not linked in a given post)).

To rectify that for my 6 readers, and as a resource for myself, here is a table of contents for her series:
  1. What will students learn?
  2. How will the sessions go?
  3. What will we do in a session?
  4. Teaching methods for remoteness
  5. Why use group work?
  6. Dividing students into groups
  7. Planning collaborative activities
  8. Use of surveys
  9. Iterating on the course
She also has some other related, though not part of the “series”, posts I found interesting:
  1. Learning to teach a course
  2. Planning and surviving a 3-hour lecture
  3. Resources for programming instructors
  4. Syllabus design

If you notice future entries to this series (before I do), please comment below so I can add them ?

from antipaucity