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The 4th dimension is time

Essentially, any given dimension is the shadow of one above – a 3D object makes a 2D (plane) shadow

A 2D object makes a 1D (line) shadow

And a 1D object makes a 0D (point) shadow

Any given object of a particular number of dimensions is free to “move” inside its dimensions, but it cannot change the one of which it is a shadow

For example – you can move in 3 dimensions, but are bound by the 4th (from your perspective, time is unidirectional)

Likewise, a plane can move in 2 dimensions, but is bound by the 3rd (can only go left/right, up/down – not in/out)

If you could move freely in time, you would be at least a 5th-dimensional being – because your boundary would not be apparently-fixed time, but something else

July 31, 2020 at 08:40AM
via reddit