next bglug meeting: topic ‘raspberry pi’; speaker jordan keyes; 1900 (7p) 20 september @collexion hackerspace

After several months, the Bluegrass Linux User Group (see also G+ page) is resuming regular meetings in conjunction With Collexion – a hackerspace in Lexington KY.

Our first (next) topic is “The Raspberry Pi“, presented by Jordan Keyes (creator of (also on youtube:, at 1845 (6:45p) at Collexion. We’ll plan to “start” at 1900 (7p).

Collexion is located 109 E. Loudon Ave in Lexington.

We are looking forward to a good time being had by all.

Please bring a small donation for dinner (planning to order-in pizza) – any leftover cash will be left as a “thank you” to the kind folks at Collexion for letting us use their space.

Also to note: the new regular meeting day will be the third Thursday of each month.