modularity is great – if you commoditize the right complements

Google bought Android and made great things with it. They also had an interesting audacity to announce an “open, modular” phone that ‘anyone’ could design from, and make components that would play nicely together (like IBM did with their initial ISA architecture releases back in the 80s). (Microsoft then flipped the tables on IBM and …
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free wifi

I travel a fair amount for work – not excessive “road warrior” style anymore (thank God!), but often enough. One thing that has consistently dumb founded me is that, like cheap hotels, the smaller the airport, the more likely it is that it has free wifi. I understand places like ATL or ORD are incredibly …
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zombie crime

If zombie apocalypse stories could be true, there should be no crime (other than the zombies’ havoc-wreaking). In a world where the dead are rising and attacking anything living (in the process making those attacked zombies, too), ‘normal’ crime should cease: folks’d be too busy trying to stay alive to be worried about anything else.

nclb – you know, unless you’re in one of these 10 states…

Pick your slant report – Huffington Post or Fox News: it has been reported that President Obama’s administration will be issuing waivers to 10 states with regard to compliancy with No Child Left Behind (which, in my opinion, is one of the biggest debacles in public education ever). If the point is to “leave no child behind”, why …
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